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GBAM Boutiques Launch Video Series Revealing the Secrets to Outperformance Versus Larger Funds

London, 21 November 2024, In the first of a unique video series internationally based members of the Group of Boutique Asset Managers (“GBAM”) have revealed insights into factors that have led to the ‘Boutique Premium’ – the outperformance of smaller versus larger funds.

The factors were outlined for GBAM in a study and paper by Professor Andrew Clare, Professor of Asset Management at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass Business School). His work focused on the European asset management industry in 2020 ( which, confirmed the findings of earlier research into US boutiques in 2015 by AMG.

In the videos, asset management executives from Aubrey Capital Management, First Avenue Investment Management, Azvalor, Chartwell Capital, MAPFRE, Farview Invest and SKAGEN Funds discuss the factors behind the ‘boutique premium’, including ownership structures, entrepreneurialism, company size, investment specialism and boutique culture.

Present in the video are: Andrew Ward, CEO, Aubrey Capital Management (Edinburgh) ; Hlelo (Lo) Giyose, CIO and Principal at First Avenue Investment Management (Johannesburg); Beltran Parages, Founding Partner and Heat of Investor Relations, Azvalor (Madrid); Ronald Chan, Founder/CIO, Chartwell Capital (Hong Kong); Jose Luis Jimenez Guajado-Fajardo, Group Co-CFO, MAPFRE (Madrid); Ramon Eyck, Founder Member of the International Advisory Board for Fund & Manager Selection (UK); Marcel Borelli, Co-Founder and CIO, Farview Invest (London); Tim Warrington, Chairman, SKAGEN Funds & Chairman, GBAM (Stavanger, Norway)– alongside Professor Andrew Clare (London).

Professor Andrew Clare says:

“If you are a small fund manager then really, you live or die by your performance. So, if you have been in existence for some time, it is likely you are doing something right and you have good performance. So, I think it is more likely that you will find alpha in these sorts of places than in the general asset management industry.”

GBAM Chairman Tim Warrington says:

"Being able to verify the Boutique Premium through independent data and academic research was very important and necessary, both for clients and those in the fund selection community.”

To view the video, click here: Multimedia Resources | GBAM Managers

Subsequent videos in the series will delve deeper into the factors identified, with further comment from both sell side and buy side financial professionals.

Notes to editors:

1. The Group of Boutique Asset Managers (GBAM)

GBAM is a global network of like-minded, independent specialist asset managers who have come together to improve their presence in international marketplaces. GBAM describes boutique firms as having a limited range of products, a close relationship with clients, and a relatively flat organisational structure. GBAM firms tend to be small to medium sized, entrepreneurial, flexible and responsive to changing market conditions. Members tend to focus on the manufacture of investment products rather than mass distribution. Ownership tends to be in the hands of founding partners,

GBAM investment professionals describe themselves as innovative craftsmen who have a creative yet focused approach to fund management with a passion for ‘doing the right thing’ for their customers. They are given the freedom to manage, are driven by performance cultures and pride themselves on the intellectual rigour they bring to asset management.

For press enquiries please contact:

Sam Shelton, Director, Fortuna Asset Management Communications Ltd., Tel +44 (0)7540336998, EM:

Jonathan Boyd, Director, Fortuna Asset Management Communications Ltd., Tel +44 (0)7866459442, EM:

John Morgan, Company Secretary, GBAM Ltd., Tel +44 (0)7796262272,



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Group of Boutique                    Asset Managers 

Registered number 09094596

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